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Summary of Agora Group's ESG activities in 2023


Summary of Agora Group's ESG activities in 2023


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May 23, 2022 / 13:12

Artificial intelligence measures traffic around AMS indoor advertising media

This is a real breakthrough in measuring the traffic around indoor panels in shopping malls. AMS and CitiesAI have implemented a completely new measurement standard based on hundreds of thousands of photos analysed by artificial intelligence.

Until recently, knowledge about the volume of traffic in shopping malls was almost exclusively limited to the number of entrances to the facility and did not include how customers move inside a given facility. This gap is filled by the solution used by the leader of the OOH market in Poland. AMS in cooperation with a research company, CitiesAI, providing precise knowledge about the volume of traffic on individual floors and in specific places of a mall, including in the immediate vicinity of a single Digital Indoor AMS carrier.

In addition, the measurement used also provides basic demographic data, i.e. information about the gender and age group of visitors, as well as the distribution of traffic in individual hours and days of the week.  It’s important to note that we are dealing with standardised measurements from various shopping malls, which make it possible to compare the traffic at particular times and days of the week in different facilities, including many shops of the same brand in different locations.

A new tool in the hands of advertisers

The innovative AMS and CitiesAI solution provides previously unattainable data, which is the key knowledge about consumer flows inside malls, for both indoor panels operators and advertisers.  And all this is done with unprecedented precision.

We obtain knowledge about the volume of people passing next to individual carriers in a given shopping mall.  Moreover, this knowledge covers not only the number of consumers who appeared within the range of the carrier at a given time of the day, but also their age and gender. If on top of that you add the possibility of extrapolating data to various facilities, it is easy to understand how advanced and innovative tools advertisers gain,” explains Waldemar Kruk, Head of Business Intelligence at AMS.

“Thanks to the research that we have implemented together with AMS, we are beginning to better understand what is happening in shopping malls, how consumers really behave, how well and in which locations individual advertising panels “work". This is the knowledge that allows you to optimize indoor campaigns,” says Piotr Ejdys, Founder at CitiesAI.

Examples of data that can be obtained thanks to the implementation of the study are precise information related to a specific Digital Indoor AMS network carrier in a given gallery:

  • the average daily number of customer passes around the medium;
  • average hourly number of passes;
  • average number of passes on working days;
  • average number of passes on weekends;
  • total passes during the entire campaign.

All data is available divided into gender and age group of consumers and filtered by any selected range of days and time of day.

How we do it

The basis of the research methodology consists in taking a very large number of photos of shopping mall corridors in an automated manner. This means that even one photo per second is taken! One research session, for example covering two days of measurements, consists of up to 60,000 photos.

“Blurry photos are automatically deleted, and the rest is processed by the CitiesAI proprietary cloud-based solution computing and artificial intelligence that recognise whether a given object in a specific photo is a human.  If so, artificial intelligence assigns a character to gender and one of five age groups, because the tool used in the study allows you to assess the position of the person and their distance from the carrier,” says Robert Migas-Mazur, Data Scientist at CitiesAI.

All the procedures used in the research, in particular the analysis of a large number of photos, comply with the applicable law on the protection of personal data.  The process of analysing photos and accessing them is supervised by the GDPR Personal Data Inspector.

The research was conducted in five shopping malls:

  • Sadyba Best Mall (Warsawa)
  • Galeria Łomianki (Łomianki)
  • Bonarka City Center (Kraków)
  • Alfa Centrum (Białystok)
  • CH Auchan (Bydgoszcz)

“The implementation of such projects as "Research on the traffic around indoor panels for AMS" is an example of the potential use of CitiesAI data not only in the context of expansion and relocation of retail chains,” says Dawid Przemyski, Head of Business Development at CitiesAI.

This is the beginning of work on an advanced research model, which has a chance to cover the entire largest network of AMS indoor carriers in Poland in the future.

The AMS offer provides the possibility of advertising in 55 shopping malls in 20 agglomerations, on 375 modern digital spaces of Digital Indoor in total.

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