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Summary of Agora Group's ESG activities in 2023


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January 13, 2020 / 14:58

20 thou. active TOK FM Premium subscriptions!

20 thou. active TOK FM Premium subscriptions!

Radio TOK FM ended 2019 with another success of its paid podcast offer - at the end of December the number of purchased TOK FM Premium accesses exceeded 20 thousand. This is a 20% increase from March 2019.

- TOK FM Premium is the only known case of successful paid subscription to podcasts - audio materials other then music or books. Agora Radio Group has been consistently developing the TOK FM digital offer for 6 years, adding new content and functionalities enabling the most convenient use of it. Combined with the podcast boom and the popularization of paid content, this allowed us to reach next significant milestone in the development of the TOK FM Premium offer - the subscriber base has increased by 100% over the last 2 years! - comments Adam Fijałkowski, vice president of the Agora Radio Group.

Radio TOK FM has been developing its subscription offer since 2014. It currently includes three packages for listening to the station’s podcasts, which differ from each other in terms of the platform of access to the content. The basic package gives its users access to podcasts on – on a computer, tablet and smartphone, i.e. in the standard and mobile version of the service. Whereas the broadest package called Multidostęp [Multi-access] gives access to TOK FM premium content through the website, in the application and through the RSS channel, including several mobile devices. Subscriptions can be bought for month, quarter and year.

At the end of December 2019, the station already had 20 thou. subscribers paying for access to TOK FM podcasts*. Most of them - as much as 85% chose to listen to podcasts in the TOK FM application (only or also from the website) available on mobile devices. The website offers texts, video materials (including live broadcasts from the TOK FM studio) and an audio content archive, while the application, modeled on musical ones, is designed for listening and equipped with many additional tools dedicated to listeners, such as bluetooth headset controls.
Over 90% of subscribers directly chose the TOK FM offer, and the rest - packages combined with other media. What is important, TOK FM Premium users are more and more deciding to order longer subscriptions and are increasingly willing to opt for auto-renewable payments.

- With 20 thou. digital subscribers Radio TOK FM is at the forefront of media subscription offers in Poland, and the TOK FM application remains the leader of the highest-grossing Polish media applications on Google Play. By 2022, in accordance with the strategy of the Agora Group, Radio TOK FM is to build a base of over 30 thou. users of premium offer - we're getting closer to achieving this goal. I believe that our further propositions for subscribers will help us in this – not only addition of new content or changes in the podcast offer, but also introduction of modern technological solutions awaited by modern listeners - e.g. access to the TOK FM application in the cars via Apple CarPlay, which we will launch in January this year - adds Jarosław Śliżewski, head of digital areas at Agora Radio Group.

Radio TOK FM podcast offer includes a digital library of over 200 programs and thematic cycles on various topics - including political, economic, social, scientific and advisory ones - comprising over 75 thou. podcasts. These include current broadcasts from Radio TOK FM antenna, podcasts available only on the Internet, as well as archive cycles of timeless value and partner podcasts. About 10 hours of premiere programs are published every day.

* the number of TOK FM Premium accesses includes only active, paid subscriptions on and in application; it does not include subscription in free trial period or free access to the station’s content.

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